How to Find Clients as a VA: a comprehensive client guide for Virtual Assistants

client guide freelancer client guide va virtual assistant working with clients Jul 25, 2024

The demand for quality virtual assistants is on the rise. If you’re looking to start or grow your VA business, knowing where to look for clients and how to successfully retain clients are paramount. 


Acquiring Clients

Client acquisition is the process of identifying, attracting, and converting prospects into customers for a business. It involves a series of strategic marketing and sales activities designed to create awareness of a virtual assistant’s products or services, generate interest, and ultimately secure new clients.

In the excitement of growing your client base, it can be tempting to take on work for the sake of having more work and more income. However, one of the joys of being a VA is the ability to choose who you work with. Not all work, and not all clients, are beneficial to our portfolios. That sounds a little counterintuitive, doesn't it? But hear us out…taking on work that isn’t aligned can easily lead to burnout, dissatisfaction and lower productivity.

So when looking for clients, you want to make sure

1) you are looking in the right places


2) you are looking for the right client/tasks


Understand your Niche

Before we get to the ‘where to look’, let’s identify what we actually want to look for. Now, you may already have a list of services you offer, but if you’re still deciding, it’s important to have at least a rough idea of the general or more specialised services you will offer. 

When we have an understanding of the skills we excel in, it can be a little bit easier to market ourselves and our offerings. We can begin to find and visualize where our support fits into particular markets and/or businesses. 


Word of Mouth

This is always our first recommendation for two reasons. First of all, not everyone has a website or social media platform. So while building an online presence is an option for some (scroll further down for more), it’s not essential. 

Chances are we all know a small business owner, entrepreneur, solopreneur, you name it, who needs support. We just have to be brave enough to ask! Start to talk to family and friends about your new venture - good news travels fast. So when your partner’s friend’s sister needs some extra support with their business, your name comes up.*

Remember, they can’t help if they don’t know you’re looking for work. 

This is actually how I got started. Not a partner’s friend’s sister, but an old colleague. I wasn’t even a VA yet, but this was my first freelance gig that made me realize I could be!

The rest of the list is in no particular order, so have a read and see what feels good for you!


Networking - Online/In-person 

Your network is your net worth. Whether it is online or in-person, the value of networking is unmatched. If you’re unsure where to begin, start with your local area because you’re already part of that community. Business owners do business with the people they know and trust, and they are more likely to know and trust you if they’ve actually met you. 

Networking is also a great way to grow your confidence. It gives you the opportunity to engage in conversation and learn from others. 

Our top tip for networking: listen. Don’t just be on the prowl. Listen to people’s needs. This will tell you a lot of the areas that are in demand for support. 



Ask. For. Referrals. This goes back to word of mouth. If you have more capacity, let your clients know! You’ll spring to mind when they hear about members of their network who need support. Again, people trust the people they know and like. 

And ask for testimonials. This is a great way to get feedback and build credibility.


Online Presence

Curating a robust online presence isn’t mandatory, but it sure can help in today’s digital age. If you’re just starting out, build up 1 or 2 platforms really well. This could be a website/blog, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, or another preference. Leverage these platforms to showcase your skills, make connections, and disseminate contact information. 

Think about who your ideal client is, the services you want to offer, and create content to attract them. 


Previous Connections/Employers

Build on the positive relationships from your previous employers. There’s no harm in staying connected and letting them know what you’re up to now. If you worked for another business previously, there might have been a range of employees from freelancers to contractors, sub-contractors, managers, trainees, suppliers, colleagues and more. 

Think about those you had good relationships with, who know your work-ethic and deliverability - they can be great prospects. 


Continued Learning

This isn’t quite as direct a lead as some of the others, but hear me out. The more we continue to learn and upskill, the more our client base opens up. As tech develops - just look at the AI boom - it’s important to stay on top of existing trends and opportunities because it allows us to add more value to our client offer. 

In particular, if you find an area that you really love and want to specialize in, this is a great way to really hone in on your skills and showcase your work. Clients appreciate when a virtual assistant is up to date and can offer advice on new tools/trends.


ROCKET VA™ Client Matching Service

If you’re after a one-stop shop for training as a virtual assistant and access to job opportunities, the ROCKET VA™ Client Matching Service is just one of the benefits our alumni receive. Exclusive access to job postings, interview practice, and support during the onboarding process makes this service super seamless for virtual assistants and clients alike. 


Getting used to “it”

The above are just a few ways we can gain clients as virtual assistants. The truth is that it can be daunting and a little scary when we just start out. There is always uncertainty in any business. But with practice, our confidence grows and we become more comfortable in how to market ourselves. “It” does get easier!

Reminder for all the VAs out there: we won’t get clients if no one knows we are doing the work. What step will you take today to increase your presence?

 Join our free masterclass series ‘Virtual Assistant in 90 Days’ here to kick-start your VA career today.

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